
[转][翻译] 克公名句赏:颠覆足球三观的25条克鲁伊夫金句


由 TC野兽 发表在虎扑足球·足球话题区

~~~看了@不如不遇倾城色 同学推荐的克圣金句后意犹未尽(颠覆三观啥的倒是没有觉得= =...实在太喜欢去央求转了这篇嘿嘿~~~








1. 有人颠球能颠1000下,那可不叫技术。那是任何人都可以通过训练做到的,然后就是去马戏团上班咯。技术是一脚出球,同时球速适中,正好能传到你队友最舒服的脚下。


2. 有球员在比赛里将球花哨地颠到空中,之后对方四个后卫已经有功夫回追到位了。人们会觉得这种球员踢得真棒,我说他应该去马戏团试试。


3. 每个位置上都选用最好的球员,那么你得到的不会是一支强大的团队,而是11个强大的球星。


4. 在我的球队当中,进攻最先由门将发起,而防守最先由前锋开始。


5. 凭什么你干不翻一支土豪俱乐部?我从没见过一口袋钞票还能进球得分的。


6. 我总是要去罚界外球,因为接下来我立马拿到球的话,那我就是场上唯一没人防守的球员了。


7. 我的标签有很多:前足球运动员、前技术总监、前教练、前荣誉主席。这串名单再次完美地诠释了一个道理:天下无不散的筵席。


8. 有的球员并非真正领袖但尝试做个领袖,这样的人总是会在别人犯错后予以怒斥。球场上真正的领袖上场时就有心理准备:人人都会犯错。


9. 何为速度?体育媒体经常将速度和预判混为一谈。举个例子,我要是比别人早点启动开跑,那我的速度看上去就更快一些。


10. 只有那唯一的时机被你抓到才叫把握时机。如果你没做到,那你抓得不是太早就是太晚。


11. 我犯错之前,我绝没有犯过那种错误。


12. 在球场上,有数据表明平均每位球员拿球的时间只有3分钟...所以,最重要的是:你在没有球权的87分钟里在干嘛?这决定了你是否是个好球员。




14. 球场上只有一个球,所以你必须拿到球。


15. 我不信宗教。在西班牙,所有22名球员在入场之前都会在胸口画十字祈祷。如果真的有用,那所有比赛都会以平局告终。


16. 我们必须确保对方最烂的球员经常拿球,这样你们就可以马上抢回球权。


17. 如果你们掌握了球权,那就必须尽量拉开球场空间;如果球不在你们脚下,你们就必须尽量压缩球场空间。


18. 每个职业高尔夫球手都有专门的远球教练、近球教练、推杆教练。而在足球界,我们一个教练要负责15名球员,真是荒谬。


19. 我的目标绝不是从小组赛出线。最理想的场景是,我们和巴西队、阿根廷队、还有德国队分在同一个小组。这样第一轮结束后就有两支劲敌被淘汰了。那才是我想要的,那才叫理想主义。


20. 现在的球员只能用正脚背射门,而我可以用内脚背、正脚背、外脚背射门,注意是左右双脚哦。换句话说,现在的球员,我一个顶六个。


21. 有实力没成绩是没用的,但是有成绩没实力又是无聊的。


22. 很少有球员知道自己在无人盯防的情况下该干嘛,所以有时候你得告诉球员:他们的攻击手非常棒,但是不用盯他。


23. 我发现很可怕的一点,现在很多天才球员因为电脑数据分析都被拒绝掉了。按现在阿贾克斯的标准,我也会被俱乐部拒绝。我15岁那年,我没法用左脚把球踢出15米远,可能右脚也最多能踢出20米远。我的实力在于我的技术和视野,这些是电脑没法检测出来的。


24. 踢足球非常简单,难的是踢简单的足球。






1. Technique is not being able to juggle a ball 1000 times. Anyone can do that by practicing. Then you can work in the circus. Technique is passing the ball with one touch, with the right speed, at the right foot of your team mate.


2. Someone who has juggled the ball in the air during a game, after which four defenders ofthe opponent get the time to run back, that’s the player people think is great. I say he has to go to a circus.


3. Choose the best player for every position, and you’ll end up not with a strong XI, but with 11 strong 1’s.


4. In my teams, the goalie is the first attacker, and the striker the first defender.


5. Why couldn’t you beat a richer club? I’ve never seen a bag of money score a goal. 


6. I always threw the ball in, because then if I got the ball back, I was the only player unmarked.


7. I’m ex-player, ex-technical director, ex-coach, ex-manager, ex-honorary president. A nice list that once again shows that everything comes to an end. 


8. Players that aren’t true leaders but try to be, always bash other players after a mistake. True leaders on the pitch already assume others will make mistakes.


9. What is speed? The sports press often confuses speed with insight. See, if I start running slightly earlier than someone else, I seem faster.


10. There’s only one moment in which you can arrive in time. If you’re not there, you’re either too early or too late. 


11. Before I makea mistake, I don’t make that mistake.


12. When you play a match, it is statistically proven that players actually have the ball 3 minutes on average … So, the most important thing is: what do you do during those 87 minutes when you do not have the ball. That is what determines whether you’re a good player or not.


13. After you’ve won something, you’re no longer 100 percent, but 90 percent. It’s like a bottle of carbonated water where the cap is removed for a short while. Afterwards there’s a little less gas inside.


14. There is only one ball, so you need to have it.


15. I’m not religious. In Spain all 22 players make the sign of the cross before they enter the pitch. If it works all matches must therefore end in a draw. 


16. We must make sure their worst players get the ball the most. You’ll get it back in no time.


17. If you have the ball you must make the field as big as possible, and if you don’t have the ball you must make it as small as possible.


18. Every professional golfer has a separate coach for his drives, for approaches, for putting. In football we have one coach for 15 players. This is absurd.


19. Surviving the first round is never my aim. Ideally, I’d be in one group with Brazil, Argentina and Germany. Then I’d have lost two rivals after the first round. That’s how I think. Idealistic. 


20. Players today can only shoot with their laces. I could shoot with the inside, laces, and outside of both feet. In other words, I was six times better than today’s players.


21. Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring. 


22. There are very few players who know what to do when they’re not marked. So sometimes you tell a player: that attacker is very good, but don’t mark him.


23. I find itterrible when talents are rejected based on computer stats. Based on the criteria at Ajax now, I would have been rejected. When I was 15, I couldn’t kick a ball 15 meters with my left and maybe 20 with my right. My qualities technique and vision, are not detectable by a computer. 


24. Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is.


25. If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.  




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